Research on Human Interaction with Automated Vehicles in Cities
Now, SHAPE-IT Final Stakeholder Workshop has taken place. Interviews with the ESR:s, together with their respective presentations at the event, can be found here.
Below, some stakeholders give their perspective of the SHAPE-IT event, SHAPE-IT research, and the Marie Sklodowska-Curie ITN program as a whole.
What is SHAPE-IT?
Vehicle automation has been identified as a game-changer in transport, promising substantial reductions in road-traffic fatalities while improving mobility. However, the processes of integrating automation in transports have been primarily technology-focused, with insufficient consideration given to how users both inside and outside of the automated vehicle will interact with and react to automated vehicles.
SHAPE-IT is a four-year project where 15 PhD-students will be performing research that enables rapid and reliable development of safe and user-centred automated vehicles for urban environments. Recruitment is completed and the SHAPE-IT PhD-students are working hard to pursue the aim of the project.
Recruitment is now completed for SHAPE-IT. Read more about the recruitment details.
SHAPE-IT aims to facilitate safe, acceptable and desirable integration of user-centred and transparent automated vehicles into the mixed urban traffic environments of tomorrow.
If you have any questions regarding SHAPE-IT or just want to know more please contact us.
SHAPE-IT is short for Supporting the interaction of Humans and Automated vehicles: Preparing for the Environment of Tomorrow. It is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) Innovative Training Network (ITN) project.